C/C++ Framework(s) for Interactive Real Time 3D Software Rendering Desktop Applications
Wireframe Rendering of Triangular Meshes and implicit curve shapes with Anti-Aliased line drawing and 3D Alpha Blending
Interactive Viewport Camera Navigation with First Person Shooter style and Digital Content Creation style navigation modes
Interactive Scene with Transformable Geometries using a unified Gizmo and Selection model
Customizable Viewport Heads Up Display
Closest Point on Mesh:
Uses a Spatial Acceleration Structure (BVH) for a Broad Phase search within a Spherical Volume around a source point with a given search radius.
Finds Vertex, Edge or Point on the Surface of a triangle (whichever is closest) and adaptively narrows the search radius as closer triangles are found.
A fast and efficient algorithm for finding the closest point on a triangular mesh, from either a single source point or all vertices of a source mesh.
Can Optionally run on the GPU using CUDA for even faster execution of mesh-to-mesh queries with a large search radius