Interactive real time Ray Tracing
Runs on CPU or GPU (CUDA)
Written from scratch in C and in C++
Software texturing and filtering
Physically based shading
Area lights with soft shadows
Custom acceleration structures
Interactive OpenGL renderer
Written from scratch in C++
Image Based Lighting
Physically based shading
Point and Spotlights with Shadow Maps
Directional Lights with Shadow Map
Interactive Software Rasterization (CPU)
Written from scratch in C and in C++
Adaptive texture sampling and filtering
Physically based shading
Mesh and Pixel Shaders
Perspective corrected interpolations
Frustum culling and clipping
Interactive real time 3D App library
Written from scratch in C and in C++
Anti-Aliasing for quality line drawing
3D Curve and Mesh wireframe drawing
3D Viewport camera navigation
3D Interactive transformation controls
Scene loading and saving to binary files
Base project for 2D graphics
Written from scratch in C and in C++
Texture filtering and sampling
Runs on CPU or GPU (CUDA)
Example apps include:
Editable Tile Map with interactive soft shadow lights (Ray Casting)
Painting app with Liquify brushes 
Using the Slim frameworks it is simple and easy to write various graphics rendering experiments, for example Gerstner Wave generation, FFT Water and Voxels


Ray Casting:

Interactive real time 2D Ray Casting
Written from scratch in Odin
Software texturing with Tri-Linear filtering
Spherical lighting with quadratic attenuation
Interactive mini-map (move, pan, zoom, resize)
Editable walls and columns using the mini-map
Collision detection for both walls and columns
Featured in OLC's "2020 Community Showcase"

Closest Point On Mesh:

Fast Mesh Query Algorithm
BVH Acceleration Structure for Broad Phase
Adaptive Narrowing of Search Radius
Optional GPU support using CUDA

Perspective Projection:

A Projective Geometry derivation of the process of Perspective Projection used in 3D graphics for GPUs
Interactive 3D Math Visualization
Written using SlimEngine
Made for a Math Exposition video
Submitted to the 3b1b SoME challenge
Touch-enabled web GUI of a fully featured timeline
Written entirely from scratch using HTML5 Canvas
Tracks with clips of Video, Audio or Text
Clips can be resized, cloned, split, dragged around, individually or selectively with group selection

Can be pinched-zoomed and panned

Timeline GUI